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The Hidden Paradise of South Sulawesi

Selayar, a small island in the south of Sulawesi island. Kepulauan Selayar district is one of 24 districts and cities in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Kepulauan Selayar district is located on the south of Sulawesi island. The district is one and only that all of their area are separated from South Sulawesi province. Selayar consist of more than 120 small islands which formed an archipelago area.                      Geographically, Kepulauan Selayar region is located on 5°42' - 7°35' South Latitude and 120°15' - 120°30' East Longitude. The region is contiguous with Bulukumba district and Bone bay in the north, Nusa Tenggara Timur in the south, Forest sea and Malaka strait in the east and the west. Its geographical condition make them have potential tourism. Potential tourism in Kepulauan Selayar are historical tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, and marine tourism. Kepulauan Selayar has so many beautiful beaches that are still
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