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The School for Good and Evil (Novel Review)

Title:The School for Good and Evil

Author: Soman Chainani

Publisher: HerperCollins

Character: Agatha, Sophie, Tedros, School Master, Hester, Anadil, Dot, Hort, Beatrix, Kiko, Chaddick, Professor Dovey, Merlin.

Novel The School for Good and Evil is a novel written by Soman Chainani who successfully penetrated the New York Times Bestseller in the Fantasy Fiction category.This story tells of two friends who are friendly, but contrary. Sophie, a feminine girl, likes to wear something pink, and generous. But unfortunately,s he is not sincere in helping people. She behaves as if it were good in the eyes of the people, to be kidnapped by the Master, the kidnapper who brought the children from the village of Gavaldon to be brought to the School of Goodness and Crime far from the State of the Fairy, which is bordered by the Neighborly Forest.

Meanwhile, Agatha, a lonely, gloomy girl, always wears black clothes (the reason is not so dirty), and keeps a cat who loves to eat birds. Contrary to Sophie, Agatha is afraid to be kidnapped by the Master. Therefore, she always mocked Sophie as Sophie always imagined she would become a famous Princess in the Fairy State.

But, after five years later, they were eventually kidnapped by the Master and there was a mistake. Sophie was even taken to the School of Crimes, while Agatha was placed in the School of Goodness. Because of that different place, they both begged to return to Gavaldon, but with one condition only: They both had to solve the mysterious puzzle of the Master.

In addition, in the School of Good and Evil, they both met Prince Charming Tedros, the son of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, who involved the love triangle between Sophie, Agatha, and Tedros.

My review:
The first time I saw this novel. Well, because the cover is quite evocative sense of my curiosity, so I read the synopsis and bought it. To be honest, in this first time I was more sided with Agatha but getting to the end, I was also getting sided with Sophie. Try to imagine, if anything that belongs to us, was taken by our own friends? Is’t it sad?
Well, but I love this book because the plot, characterizations, plus line story is good and adequate. I recomend this book for you who like fantasy romance novel, highly recomend.

Moral Values:
  •  True Love is never selfish, nor can it be forced.
  • If you are only doing nice things for others to make yourself look good, they are not really good deeds.
  • As long as you like yourself, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
Ruth Fenandha Pramasita

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